| It almost got ugly around here!!! Febuary 14,2015 came and went and I didn't receive one gift from my love. Instead of getting all worked up and cursing him out I decided to relax and be positive. Feb.15,2015... Maybe he couldn't afford anything, but it doesn't cost much to tell/show someone you love them! Feb.16,2015... Maybe he did'nt have time to get a gift, but he's in and out the house all day everyday! Febuary 17,2015 he left out for work about 5am that morning, I was feeling something uncomfortable on me while I was sleeping, assuming it was on my hand I began to wiggle my fingers... I leaped up out of the bed through blurry eyes looking at a ring placed on my right hand, Is this some type of joke? I'm too old for a promise ring hahaha.... long story short, everyday since valentine's something came up so he couid'nt get his nerve up to actually propose so he woke up on the 17th during my wild sleeping and tried to put the ring on the correct finger but I wasn't having it, so any finger had to do! I was thrilled... |