| Coop was adorable...made sure most of my family was there...made sure my nails were done and everything was perfect! We went to the poconoes with my favorite people the weekend of Coop's birthday supposedly to celebrate his birthday. My mom, dad and sis Nic showed up late the first night (which made Coop very anxious!) and looking back now I can see that everyone was acting funny. However, I am too busy and blonde to notice when things are a little off. I was busy chasing the kids down to get their Jammie's on when Coop asked me what I was doing and seemed annoyed. My mom had brought a puzzle for us that was a picture of our little family which I thought was the cutest thing, but everyone immediately sat down to do it and I just didn't have the patience to relax and do a puzzle. Gina, my sister Kearstie and my mom were getting antsy and kept telling me to sit down to do the puzzle. So, I decided, "Fine I will sit down and do the damn puzzle with you guys!" The puzzle was supposed to be 25 pieces, but to my mom and Coop's annoyance it turned out to be 100 pieces. The idea was that we would put the puzzle together and 1 piece would be missing and Coop would have it behind me knelt down inside a ring box. You can imagine my family's frustration trying to put this together. Finally, about an hour in and a 1/4 of the way done, I was busy chatting trying to put our faces together when I felt everyone come around the table at the lodge we were staying in. I felt someone behind me and heard Coop say, "Babe, I think you're missing a piece to the puzzle." I turned around like how the heck could he know that? I then realized he had a piece of the puzzle in a RING BOX with a PERFECTLY STUNNING engagement ring inside. I'm pretty sure he asked me to marry him at that point, but to everyone's amusement I burst into tears and kept screaming in a high-pitched voice, "What are you DOING?! Are you serious?!" (My cousin Chaney makes fun of me all the time about it!) I cried, he cried. Then I realized all 3 of my boys had shirts on that said "Will you marry me?, Me too?, And me?" And I lost it again. Coop was so amazingly creative and my best friends in the world helped him pull it off! The proposal was perfect in every way and we celebrated all weekend! Kear brought the champagne, my mom baked brownies and my favorite girls put together the most beautiful engagement basket. Gina determinedly finished the damn puzzle only for us to have to take it apart to get it home. My best friend Melissa surprised us and showed up on Sunday and it was just a perfect weekend. I'm a lucky girl. |