| On the day we were celebrating our 5th anniversary, I woke up to the smell of breakfast. Before I knew it, I had a tray of pancakes (chocolate chip, my favorite!), waffles, eggs & toast, and chocolate milk on my lap -- in bed! After eating a third of this humungous breakfast, I rolled out into the living room to a pathway made of rose petals to a stool with a huge box on it with a card and roses on top. I was too excited to wait, so I went ahead and opened it, and all that was in the box was another smaller box. In that box was a smaller box, and so on, for two or three more boxes. Finally, I got to a small jewelry box, I opened it, and nothing was inside. I looked to my left, and there he was, down on one knee with the ring in his hand! Obviously, he asked, and of course, I said yes!
I was so unexpecting because we had talked about engagement and marriage, but we both agreed that it would have to wait until we got out of college first. Nevertheless, I was super suprised and I'm suprised he could keep that kind of secret for so long! |