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How I met my bestfriend?

Before I moved to Canada back in 2008 Andrew would always come to my schools events. I knew of "AJ" but we were never friends. He was one of those "Carol City guys" being the Viking that I am, I never showed interest.

A year later in 2009, the amazing "Facebook" got us linked up, I never even knew he was one of my friends. lol. But long story short he was ALWAYS messaging me. Still not interest was in because I mean, I live in Canada.

In March 2010, My sister and I went to Disney Princess on Ice in Ottawa Ontario, [Don't judge, we had a kid with us] lol I was having a conversation on my Facebook wall, on finding my Prince Charming. Andrew of course stated I was looking in the wrong places and that he was everything I needed.

From being extra persitent on knowing what he "wanted" Andrew made it his duty to travel at least every four to six months to visit me in Ottawa, while school and work took my time. We would talk for hours, always had something positive to say.

Though Andrew never had a passport and does not like travelling as much, when it comes to seeing me, He always made it his priority. As you can see how the rest is history.



Might tell my side of the story at the wedding.